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.../... is there a better way than painting each one separately?
Not if you want it to look as if they all have a different colour.
If you want to put in a bit of extra time, try the following :
1) paint the seams between the bricks mortar color
2) paint all bricks in the same brick colour, keeping the brush dry enough to keep the paint out of the mortar seams
3) mix your brick paint with a touch of white, and paint a number of random bricks. Then mix a few drops of your brick color with some yellow and do the same. Try the same with some sand, brown, grey, black, or mixtures. All staying close enough to your original brick color, but still just a bit different. Paint random bricks with each of those colors.
The trick is to make mixtures that are only just a tiny bit different from the overall brick color. If you mix in too much color, it will look like a circus !
That shouldn't take you more than half an hour. With a bit of music on the background, it's done before you know it !
Looking forward to the result pics !!!