I ask this more out of curiousity than anything else but in the interest of saving bandwidth wherever possible, wouldnt it have made sense to place the sponsor ads in a frame (wrapper in CMS terms) rather than a module thats visible on every page? Each click that a member clicks on here (ie: forum) results in a reload of the page thereby consuming more bandwidth per person. With an average of about 300 - 400 members a day in here, im sure that equates to quite a substantial amount of bandwidth. With a frame, thats effectively loaded once but visible throughout the site. It also does save loading time for members viewing the site seeing as they dont have to keep retrieving the image from the server.
You could argue that most rely on the cache copy but for those of us who have place our browser setting to check for new versions on every visit, it would give the server quite a hammering wouldnt it?
Do correct me if im wrong though.