On the back of the HMMWV's, some show a small rack, big enough to store about 6 jerry cans form the looks of it. Were these part of the beggining of OIF, and then later removed for some reason, or are they still on the back of some of them. Also when would you have the sign on the back that would say stay back, or be fired apon? Would that just be for convos of sort, or what. And last, what about the bush gardes that are on the HMMWV 's, have they also been removed for some reason, or are they also still on certian Humvee's. I'm trying to get my informoration here for a project. This is an example of what it would look like with a M1 Panther II infornt of it, pulled of the side with some troops around it talking about some things.
Thanks Everyone