I'm sorry to keep on bringing this up, but I have just spent the last week looking for some information and pics for the Humvee. The parts that I'm looking at, is the stand for the Radio, and which version of the new one would go in. I've seen so many differant combunations of them in pics, but I would like to know which one normal gose in, and the postions of the speakers and the wiring, and what kind of wire would be best to use, and what would you use for the card that attachest to the handheld part, and how do you make the colies for it, and things like that. Also I'm in need of some pics of the pasanger side, so I can see were the air hoses on the inside go, and whats the best methead to make those look really, and any other useful information. I'm also in need of some pics of the part on the back on the humvee that gose on the trunk what would hold equipment.
Also how tall in 1/35 with the antenas be. Is their any kits out their that show the storage handles as well on the back. also if tanxheaven has some of these pics, could someone send them to me or something like that, for some reason, my internet will not load the page, and I have this feeling that their might be some good pics on their of what I need as well. Again, sorry for the inconvinsion, but I'm in needed of some help with this project that I'm doing.
With the new doors on the humvees, would they still put the CIP over the handles with holes cut out so that you could get to the door, would would they just leaven them off.
Thank for your help Everyone.