Hi Guys
Tony.. the barrels are from Jordi Rubio
The tracks were a joy to build,I built them in stages so I wouldn't get bored!!, I diddn't use the wire supplied,I went and cleaned my LHS out of K&S .020 (.5MM) brass wire
Get set up,Beer and a film/football match on the telly!!
1, the most boring bit (pun intended :-) ) was cleaning out the holes for the pins,using a motor drill, and a bit the same size as the wire, the links are handed so I did one side at a time so I wouldn't mix them up,on the longer side of the link the hole don't go all the way through,this is what makes them left and right (on this particular set) so take care not to go all the way with the drill!!! (a couple of holes in the thumb later!!)
2, I put 2 links together,then with a pair of flat nose smooth jawed pliers pushed in the wire through, then cut off flush with a small pair of side cutters,

I repeated this until the length of wire was finished (a 300mm length did 22 links)
3, Once I had my mini track,ie my 22 links, I ran over the inside and outer edges with a piece of 320 wet and dry ,to get rid of any high spots.
4, repeat 2 and 3 untill you get the length you want
Easy :-) :-) :-)
The whole lot (both sides)took me about 3 hours,but I was getting faster toward the end.
I will be getting more,I already have a set for my Centure,and I reckon I'll get a couple of sets for my two Karls,which are awaiting paint.
I just need to get some "blacken it" to weather them as the the Carrs metal black did bugger all
Hope this helps ,go on go get some!!!