thank you all for the positive feedback!
I have thought about a slogan on the side. I think it would look great with some color added.However, all the pictures I have seen of KV-2's did not really have nay markings, especially during summer of 1941, which is when I intend to have this set. Hopefully when I add some pastels it will get enriched with color.
The original idea was to have the motorbike in a water ditch with a dead German floating in the water, with the KV-2 stopped to check it out. However, I have decided to keep the dead German out as this can easily come off as a bit tacky. I figure the bike abondoned in the ditch will be enough to get the idea across I hope.
Painting the figures-this was done almost entirely with Vallejo acrylics, for both the uniform and face. I used the techniuqe of glazing in the shdows and highlights as is described in a how to on their website. The only oils used were for the eyes and for the deepest shadows done by a wash.