Well, you know that accidents happen: sometimes you´re the guilty to turn a nicely displayed kit (for you) into garbage, sometimes it´s your "better half", sometimes the help, sometimes the childrens, etc...well, in this case, I blew a SPZ Luchs and a Pibber boat. The most damaged was the Pibber, a long time to recover it, so no effort will be made. And the only thing damaged in importance in the Luchs was the turret, but that one will be useful in the future. So, my entry for this year Twilight 2000 comes to the rescue. :-)
I´ve been messing around a while with this idea, and breaking off the kits was the perfect ocasion (and at almost no money expense

After I finish the paint the proper backstory will be written, but for now an appetizer....

cheers and comments welcome