Hello Pedro:
Wow, just a beautiful model. Your attention to detail
is amazing. With all the added detail, this is a model
that took some time and loving care to bring up to
such a high standard. Your weathering is very
convincing and creates that illusive illusion of reality
that I'm always striving for. But the thing you added
that knocked me out was the vertical "bars" that are
missing from the Jeep's grill. Clever and such a
nice touch. Wow, the AMOM this month will be difficult
to pick the winner. Good luck in the competition.
And Oh yes, I almost forgot, those pictures are just
fantastic. Your depth of field when you're so close in
is bang on re being in focus from front to back. I am
thinking you used a very small aperture and had
the camera at slow shutter speed on a tripod? Also,
for this subject a black background really
works well, I feel.