This is not the first time a campaign leaders disappear. The only one we haven't been able to scare off lately is Jean-Luc!
Jean-Luc wrote:
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I think Polarbear is already leader of the "Suez" Campaign
How strange!!!! First, I received word that the Suez campaign was not approved! (I'm not really sure why, but I believe all the aircraft campaign spots were taken when I applied). I had totally given up on the idea - And now all over sudden I find out that it is an active campaign?!?! Starting ten days from now!!
Well, I'm going to try to get it properly started! I once had quite a few potential participants and hopefully, they are still interested! Since it is the 50th anniversary of the Suez conflict AND since the Suez conflict featured some of the coolest aircraft ever built, the campaign simply have to be run!!!
Thus, the Official Thread of the Suez campaign will start in a few days!
Clanky wrote:
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both Jean-Luc and I nominate you...
Well... Seems like we caught you with a little lie there, Frank... :-)
I was actually prepared to step in (provided that the salary was ok, and that there was a good retirement plan and free dental), but if Clanky volonteers, I'm sure he'll do a fine job!
(Questions remains though - Can he be trusted!?!)
I should suggest that you start by opening an Official Thread for the Bombs Away campaign and gather everyone that has signed up. I have already seen some great entries!