My Tamiya 1/48 Hetzer: Finished the yellow and red-brown about to spray the green.
Cutting the masks was a pain (making all the little scalloped edges for the typical ambush camo scheme).
Comments welcome. N E O
Old Chinese Proverb:
The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step…
Old Modelers Proverb:
The building of a thousand kits begins with the first sprue…
Kansas, United States Joined: April 11, 2005
KitMaker: 417 posts
Armorama: 118 posts
Neo, Looking good so far. The scheme you're doing is my favorite as well as your subject - the Hetzer. Here's the Bandai kit that I did in 1977. Won a third place with it at the IPMS Nationals in San Francisco that year.
Only had a few photos from AFV-G2 back then for reference. When I saw the article I was hooked. I used an airbrush and freehanded my scheme.
I have the new Tamiya kit. Will be anxious to see more of your progress. I'm just back into building again now for about a year and this kit is going to be one of my next armor builds. Keep posting as you go. Looking great so far. I like your scalloped masking. Best regards, Gary
The road goes on forever and the party never ends!
Better to have and not need than need and not have!
IPMS # 6640
Tennessee, United States Joined: September 07, 2005
KitMaker: 881 posts
Armorama: 826 posts
looking great but i cant stand the suspense,,,,,,come on tear the tape off already heh,, im terrible at masking and painting i cant even wait long enought for it to get tacky lol i have to paint it then run away fast and find something else to do.
North Carolina, United States Joined: January 20, 2005
KitMaker: 916 posts
Armorama: 758 posts
Your Hetzer looks great, hope mine looks that good when I'm finished. I know what you mean, I love the look of the ambush style too.
Ron, Last coat of paint is on, just waiting for it to dry some. I can't wait to peel it off - I should go mow the lawn - LOL.
More pis'c tonight. Thanks for the feedback. N E O
Old Chinese Proverb:
The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step…
Old Modelers Proverb:
The building of a thousand kits begins with the first sprue…
Kansas, United States Joined: April 11, 2005
KitMaker: 417 posts
Armorama: 118 posts
Neo, It's been raining here is KC & it's to wet to mow. :-) So much to wifeys dismay I've been working a couple of Airfix 1/32 figures and trying my luck with pouring a latex rubber mold of a couple of USMC EGAs.
Can't wait to see your new pics. What do you think of the Tamiya kit. Was the metal hull diffficult to attach the suspnsion to? As I stated before, the scalloped scheme you're doing looks like a real winner. Gary
The road goes on forever and the party never ends!
Better to have and not need than need and not have!