As far as the Hobby Fan set goes, WOW! The resin is really good resin. It is not to fragile and even has a little flexibilty to it. Of all the pieces in this kit, only one small one came out of the box broken. All of the fine wiring harness pieces came intact. The directions are a little vague but with the drawings and a little work you can figure it all out. In the directions though they label two wire harnesses as part number 100. On the parts layout one is 100 and the other is 101. If you track the wire in the directions you can figure out which one goes where. Be careful when adding the wires, most just come from one plug and go up into the ceiling. A few go from one plug, across the turret and into another plug. Again just a little, following the wires through the directions and you can figure it out.
Main gun turret wiring harnesses
Main gun interior
There is also an almost complete interior in the Hobby Fan set. There is the obvious large ammo drum on the left wall and the smaller ammo feed box on the fllor next to the large ammo drum. The interior hooks for the rear ramp are included as well as the pulley section for the ramp wire. The right side has shelves, radios, boxes, all kinds of goodies. The only section not in the Hobbyfan set is the drivers area. I have the AEF Designs interior set as well as the Eduard interior set. I have used a combination of all these sets to finish the interior.
Left side wall. Yellow resin is Hobby Fan, Grey resin is AEF Designs.
Right side wall. Yellow resin is Hobby Fan, Grey resin is AEF Designs.
Rear ramp looking toward driver section.
As far as the exterior goes, again I am waiting on the Legends set to complete this project. The Hobby Fan set is outstanding though. The main gun includes 6 turned aluminum barrels. The resin is kinda thin up here so you have to be careful with the small parts but again I did not have much problem with it. There are wiring harnesses up here as well. I am not using the large radar dish or the sight because of the Legends set. I glued to sight into place then realized it had to be removed. I broke the sight harness trying to remove it but I think it is all repaired now.
Main gun assembly.
Turret ring.
All in all I am very happy with the Hobby Fan set. If you are interested in it I recommend looking to Lucky Model (much better price!). The resin is pretty clean and free of bubbles. The plugs are simple to remove and don't cause a lot of breakage when removing them. I will continue to post progress pics as I go. Thanks.