For gear, I used some of the pieces from the Academy kit, some from the AA set, and some from the spares box. I also used some British ration boxes and water boxes that I printed off myself. The placards on the ammo cans were also decals that I made from ammo placard images lifted off the web. The nets on the sides were done using thin graphics arts tape, and were a real B!^@H to make. They came out looking great, but I don't want to do them again for a while.
It also has Bison's Op Telic Warrior decals. The vehicle is the same as in the Academy kit decals, but they got it wrong. Academy has 08 on the sides and rear, when it should be 0B as on the Bison sheet.
The model is a farewell gift for our British Exchange Officer here at the NTC and is his vehicle from Iraq, where he was an Infantry Company Commander. It will be put on a base with a road and a sign to Basrah.
Here is the actual vehicle.
And my representation of it.
More here.
As always, comments, criticism, etc. welcome.