The walls are made from plywood covered with drywall compound. The decorative pieces around the windows and corner pieces are balsa wood glued to the plywood and covered with drywall compound. After this was dry, The brick work was carved into the wood with a dremel. The rubble is drywall, balsa, and bricks from Hudson and Allen. Everything was painted and weathered now. The floors are made with balsa. The window sash is balsa. The small window pane is a slide cover I found at the hospital. The shutters over the large window are balsa. The four hinges on the shutters are an old Verlinden piece I have had for years. The wallpaper downstairs was DL'ed off the internet. The family portrait was DL'ed from the internet and a picture frame made with typing paper and glass slide cover. The bed and night stand are made from balsa. The mattress is made from milliput. The snow is alum from my local pharamcy. The chair, pot, pitcher, and cup are from Historex. The binoculars and rifle are from the scrap box. The burlap on the rifle is from a pancake mix bag from the wife's kitchen. The strap on the binoculars is lead foil from a bite wing xray film from my wife's work. The figure is from DML and his sleeping bag/roll is made from tissue. All of this is mounted on a 4x6 plaque that I won several years ago at a contest. Here is a rundown of my costs:
1/8 plywood scrap found at work..........................................$0
drywall compound covering walls, found at wor.k...................$0
balsa wood floors, decorative pieces on walls,
window sash, and shutters over large window, bed,
rubble and nightstand.........................................................$1.62
window pane in top window and picture frame glass
, slide cover stolen( I mean borrowed)from lab at hospital.......$0
picture and frame................................................................$.02
chair, pot, pitcher and cup from Historex..............................$1.62
figure from DML.................................................................$1.50
binoculars and rifle.............................................................$.50
strap on binoculars, bite wing from wife's work......................$0
burlap, from kitchen............................................................$0
plaque for base..................................................................$0
TOTAL (if my math is right)............................................ $6.93