As many of you already read (and know), the building of the old Tamiya T-34/85 is not as enjoyable as other kits. Now comes painting, which is the funniest part for me! I'll basecoat it soon (probably on Friday or Saturday, just after some exams at the University), and this is how the kit looks like (photo by Tamiya)

The instructions advise to use XF-61 Dark Green, but I think it's TOO DARK and I'm not going to use it, also because I don't like Tamiya acrylics used by brush. So my choice would go for Humbrol enamels, which are very familiar to me and the result with a brush painting is better.
The result I would like to achieve is this

or this

or (ABOVE ALL) this

(Nevermind the weathering, I'll post another topic to ask you some advise - thanks to the authors of these models for sharing their photos, though I don't remember their names!)
Which base colour would you use? I thought Humbrol 150 (Matt Forest Green) or 91 (Black Green) would look good on it... what do you think, and which colour did you use to make you Soviet tanks?
And what about the basecoat for the tracks?
Thanks for any help!