Howdy again MonkeyGun,
You say the pics are a tad skewed because of your photography...that they should be
more brown?...maybe it's my browser, but the most accurate colour renditions I see are your submitted 1st and 3rd pics.
And,since you are considering a Whippet, keep these colour recipes in mind during your build.
For the record, I have a decent number of Whippet photos as well as reference info available to help your endeavour....including some info regarding field installed fenders, rear crew-friendly platforms, as well as variant examples.
Now, as to the 'tadpole' version of your build. The aftermarket manufactured 'addition' pieces that were welded onto the existed British Mark IV's proved {unfortunately} rather quickly to be almost utterly useless because of under-engineered attachment points between the existing Mark IV chassis and the tadpole 'tail' sections....they would bend and flex in such a way that the extensions themselves would seperate from the main body of the tank chassis. The mortar was an afterthought....
But harken my talented modeling friend. Several were used quite successfully as well.
to Ironmike:
If there's anything I can do to help you in regards to the earlier Emhar kits, just give a hollar