Oops, doors also and in the middle of the two cabin areas two stairways up to the next deck area.
Still need to build the cargo holds and the bow, but I want to do, from the helm back first, then this will determine how much length foward I'll build the rest of the ship.
Next comes decking overhanging the cabins to the rails,what you see now and the rest of the upper areas.
The pics. of the King Kong ship Venture are in my album.
Thanks for looking - Cheyenne
The portholes are pig metal offerings from Artisian Latina [ ? sp ], I ain't getting up to go look for the proper spellin, it looks close enough. l.o.l.
I still need a whole sh#t bucket of them for the build because they are everywhere on the ship, oddly the ship is also loaded with double hungs also ...... wierd.