Here at the first two of my Irish Guards Shermans.
M4A4, Sherman Mk V - "Ardnacrush"
– 2 Tp, 1 Sqn, 2 Bn IG (Armd) – T147470
Crew (5)
233957 Lt MH Chaine-Nickson – Tp Offr
2719910 LCpl Unwin R – D/Op
2720535 Gdsm Swallow F –D/Op
2719127 Gdsm Clarke T – G/Mech
2722184 Gdsm McDermott H – D/Mech
M4A4, Sherman VC Firefly – (Model name Antrim)
. - 2Tp, 1 Sqn, 2nd Bn IG (Armd) – T 212688
Crew (4)
2721802 LSgt Beckworth H – G/Op
2723187 Gdsm Kelvey P – G/Op
2723439 Gdsm Hepbur J /Mech
2719974 LCpl Hall W – D/Mech
Still to add are the tank names, front and side and the Squadron Signs which although stated in the history as being on the turret, from all photos I’ve seen appear to be on the side of the vehicle hull. They will be the St Patrick’s Blue Triangle.
There are no bolt holes in the bogies as I didn’t have a small enough drill bit when I built them. Apart from that both hulls are from the DML VC Firefly, with the turret for the Mk V coming from the Tamiya M4.
Crew are Resicast and Tamiya figures and the stowage is from Accurate Armour.
Decals are a mix of stuff that I had, some from Archer Fine Transfers, the numbers from the Italeri DUKW and the Divisional Signs I think are Tamiya.
I have Coldstream Guards Tank Riders that will be on the back of each vehicle as during the period the models will be set in they were acting as the infantry support.
Also on stowage, from all the early photo’s I’ve seen the tanks carried very little on the front hull. As the campaign progressed the stowage arrangement changed with more ‘protection’ being added as well as additional kit. As my plan is to portray them in the early campaigns of Op Goodwood, I’ve left them fairly uncluttered for now.
I’ve only come across a few tank names for the 17 pdrs, so this one will be Antrim for the county I come from. They will be joined by a Bn HQ tank, either St Patrick, Ulster, Erin or St Colum and a Stuart Mk V1 from the Recce Pl at some point in the future, but less the tank riders they are probably ready for review!!!!! LOL, LOL, LOL.
I couldn’t get up to the MAFVA show at Duxford so this is my contribution!!!
Edit and yes, bugger - I've just seen the red tail lights on the Firefly!!! LOL, LOL