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Second, Is there anyway to get the individual tracks for this kit without paying a "godawful" price for them and is this the poor quality I can expect from all of their kits???
There are several decent priced individual track link sets. DML makes several German armor types (unsure if they are for the Jagdpanther) that run $15 or less.
Some Italeri kits are quite good. I'm not a German armor expert, but their old Panzer Mark IV and Panzer 1B were pretty decent kits. Their Leopard 1A4 was their best kit.
Rob gives decent advice regarding old Tamiya. Generally speaking, their kits designed to use motorization (holes in hull, upper hull made to disconnect) are much poorer than their newer kits. They also have a bad habit of tossing in a newer turret or suspension sprue, giving it a new kit number and doubling the price for the same old kit.
To give tracks the sag, drill small holes through the hull and insert straight pins from the inside of the hull (brace the pins on the inside with styrene, epoxy or putty). The pins will go over the tracks and hold them down.
Second, easier method, is to use string or fine fishing line and tie the tracks down to the road wheels, looping the string through the tracks and between road wheel pairs. Use a sewing needle to pierce the vinyl tracks if there aren't any natural gaps or holes in the track pattern.