1. "What are the Tweezers doing?" answer "Just hanging there..... :-) :-) Actually there is a small sign on the front. reading Gasoline, In the kit it is just a decal, so I needed to use a scrap of plastic card to make a backing for it. I figured I'd use a little artist license and attach the sign with a little thread represent cordage. The tweezers are simple being used to hold the thread tight until the scenic cement dries( I use Scenic Cement instead of a 50-50 mix of white glue and water, as it already mixed, flows better, and dried matt)
2. Tires are plastic, Just painted flat black, a wash of Polly S Grimy Black, then a filter of the small bottle of Testors "Rubber".
@. Gordon, good to see you back, hope you are doing well,
The Heller kit is more complicated to build than the Tamyia kit, and does require a lot more clean up, and alignment, but if you ever want to do a really detailed chassis, it's the one to use.
And crap, I just noticed a little silvering on the one decal..... the wonders of larger than life photos.