Since boozing and whoring around weren't really realistic endeavors, I decided to get back into building scale models (an option my wife doesn't appreciate, but it's less expensive - and less headache prone - than the former two).
Now I haven't diddled with models - female or plastic - in about twenty years. (I suppose that the female and plastic aspects are pretty much congruent these days, but that's another issue.)
So here's the story.
I recently purchased Tamiya's M1A2 OIF tank kit. After several days of reading the assembly manual - and brushing up on my German language skills in the process - I've come up with several questions that I hope you experts can answer.
First: How do I 'train' the tracks? I've always been told to train them first ,and when they've assumed the proper shape, go ahead and paint them, but several Net articles say do it the other way. What's best in your collective opinion?
Second: I've laid down a primer coat on the major sub-assemblies, and I want to get a realistic base color scheme. I plan to use an Israeli Early Sand base coat, followed by USMC/Army Tan, and a light coating of Tamiya Light Sand.All oft his will be done before any washing/weathering/aging. Is this the correct progression of dark-to-light, or do I need to rethink my colors?
Finally, the mesh that's included in the kit. What's the best way to attach it to the bustle rack and front CIP panels? I can't see regular cement doing the trick. Also, should I attach this stuff before painting? (I want the mesh to show up correctly on the finished product.)
Well it's getiing late here. The wife's calling me to come to bed. Since she won't be giving me the kind of help you all can, and since you won't be giving me the kind of help she can, I'll just repair to the bedroom and await your informed answers.
Unless anyone wants to go out drinking and whoring around.

Best Regards,