Hi all,
I decided to re-do the gepard from a mono-tone OD color to the Nato color. After sanding off the decal, fill up the gap with putty on the front of the hull went to the hobby shop, got myself 3 bottle of Tamiya paint (Nato Geen/Brown/Black).
I managed to put the Nato green and Nato brown in..... I am more used to using Gunze laquer paint so using Tamiya paint is very different for me.....
First of all the tamiya paint is more dilute than gunze paint, I did not need to thin it....straight from the bottle, then when I airbrush it, the paint kinda "run" of the surface, my pressure was set to about 25 PSI for the base coat (Green) and 18 PSI for the Brown.
Then I found out that tamiya paint take longer to dry than laquer paint....finally to my surprise, tamiya paint when it dries, give a glossy finish....and finally tamiya paints gives me the sticky feeling..."yuck..."
I can't help feeling but the gepard starts to look like a toy now....I still have the Nato black to add in...My SWMBO comment was that she sees similar finish on RC tank on sale in the local supe market :-(
Luckily I still have half a rattle can of Mr Hobby flat, hopefully, after I apply that, it glossy finish would go away...
I need help here....anyone outt here use Tamiya paint and do not face the same problem ? What am I doing wrong with Tamiay paint ?
Is it the pressure setting ?
Is it because I did not thin the paint ?...But it was already very dilute ?
Is the paint suppose to leave a glossy finish ?
Thanks for help in advance :-)