Courtesy of Dan Mouritzsen
These 3 were always in small letters on the side of the ammunition crates:
HEERES Munition = Army ammunition - or
LUFTWAFFE-Munition = Air force ammunition
Gesamtgew. Kg. = Total weight (in kilos).
They were set up like this:
HEERES Munition
Gesamtgew. Kg.
The total weight was handwritten in front of the Kg.
Samples of text on crates:
Verpackung Für = Packing crate for.
u. = and.
Kasten für = Crate for.
Kg = weight (in kilos).
Luftschutz Kasten = Crate for air raid protection equipment.
Oben = This side up.
Nicht werfen! = Do not throw.
Betriebsmittel = Operational funds.
Zubehör zum gerät = Accessories to equipment (name/type of equipment followed the last word).
Gewicht = Weight.
Packkiste Nr. = Crate No.
Geschützvorrat = Cannon supply.
Rohrvorrat = Spare barrel supply or cleaning equipment.
Vorratskasten = Supply crate.
Transportkiste = Transport crate.
Werkzeugkasten = Toolbox crate.
Für Tropen = For the tropic.
Beleuchtung = Lighting (equipment).
San. Kasten = First aid box (medical equipment).
Beh. = Behälter (container).
Büchse = Canister (Cylinder).
F.H. = Feldhaubitze (Field howitzer).
F.K. = Feld Kanone (Field cannon).
frz = franzosisch (French).
Gesch. = Geschoss (Projectile, bullet)
Gr. = Granate (grenade).
HI = Hohlladung (Hollow charge antitank shell).
HI/A = Hohlladung (Hollow charge antitank shell type A, B,C etc.).
Hl.G. = Hohlladungs-Granate (Hollow charge grenade).
Hülsenkart. = Hülsenkartusche (Charge in cartridge).
Kart. = Kartusche (Charge).
Kast. = Kasten (Box).
Kasten = Box.
l. F. H. = leichte Feld Haubitze (Light field Howitzer).
Ldg. = Ladung (Charge).
Lg. Kart. Kast. = lange Kartusche Kasten (Long charge box).
Lg. Kast. = lange Kasten (Long box).
Luftdichter = (Airtight).
Mun. = Munition (ammunition).
Nbgr. = Nebelgranate (Smoke shell).
Patr. = Patrone (Cartridge).
Patronenbehälter = (Cartridge container (tube container)).
Patronenkasten = (Cartridge box).
Pzgr. = Panzergranate (Amour piercing grenade).
Sond. = Sonder (Special).
Sonderkart. = Sonder Kartusche (Special charge).
Sprgr. = Sprenggranate (High explosive grenade).
Stiel = (Stick).
Teilkart. = Teilkartusche (Partial charge).
Vorl. = Vorlage (Flash reducing wad).
Zünder = Fuze.
Flak = Fliegerabwehrkanone (Anti aircraft gun).
K18 = Kanone 18 (Cannon 18).
Kw.K = Kampfwagen Kanone (Tank gun).
Le.F.H.18 = Leichte Feld Haubitze 18 (Light field howitzer 18).
MG = Maschinengewehr (Machinegun).
Pak. = Panzerabwehrkanone (Anti-tank gun).
Pz. Kpfw. = Panzerkampfwagen (Tank).
R.W. = Raketen Werfer (Rocket projector).
s. Pz. B. = schweres Panzer Büchse (Heavy anti-tank rifle).
s.I.G. = schweres Infanterie Geschütz (Heavy infantry cannon).
Sd.Kfz. = Sonderkraftfahrzeug (Special motor vehicle).
(sfl.)= Selbstfahrlafette (Self-propelled mounting).
s.F.H. 13 = schweres Feld Haubitze 13 (Heavy field howitzer 13).
Stiel = (Stick).
Stu.G. = Sturmgeschütz (Self-propelled assault gun).
Stu.H. = Sturmhaubitze (Self-propelled assault howitzer).
Stu.K. = Sturmkanone (Self-propelled assault cannon/gun).
Patronenkasten 900
2 cm.
3,7 cm.
5 cm.
7,5 cm.
8,8 cm.
10 cm.
12,8 cm.
15 cm.
Fantastic Brian.
You're next assignment, should you choose to accept it, is to do something similar for Fuel barrels, jerry cans, nebelwerfer rockets, et al :-) :-)
Will you give us a heads up when these are available?
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