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At the current temperatures, you can just leave your dio outside for a while and wait for real snow ? To make it last, add a droplet of glue at the bottom of each snowflake #:-)
This sounds like the easiest way
but unfortunately we have rain and +11 today, so it's not an option.
I have tried painting on some diluted white glue and sprinkling talcum powder this morning and it looks OK, not sure if it'll go yellow though. Talcum looks OK for the effect I am after, but I really like the look of the snow texture in Slodder's picture, I will try and get hold of some of this stuff. Not sure if it is available in the UK, anyone know?
The effect on the ground on the pic by KFMagee is almost exactly what I'm after this time. What is HydroCal? Again, does anyone know if it's available in UK?
As well as the light dusting, I will need to put a few more "lumpy bits" on the tracks etc, can I just build up the layers to achieve this, or is there another way?
My wife is bringing in some hairspray later today (I couldn't bring myself to go out and buy some!!) so I'll try that method too.
Thanks for all your advice.