You can always use a box w/o a want to keep the wind off of the model our painting when applying the spray. You could go inside and attach any type of fan to the rear of the box via some kind of vent system (depending on the size and type of your fan unit) and add a good A/C filter to the rear of it to collect the overspray.
wHEN I USED TO HAVE TO SPRAY PHOTOGRAPHIC PRINTS I WOULD USE A BOX AND THEN CLOSE THE BOX AFTER SPRAYING AND LET THE PRINT SETTLE AND DRY WITH THE LID ON....(sorry caps...i didnt see them on untill i had finished my thought...dude, i'm not yelling at you)
Your a guy...use yer noodle dude...dont let your weirdo neighbor call you names the overspray onto his roses or vent it into his dog's house...hehe...kidding there bro.
as for should only need a box knife and duct tape. Nothing fancy and it will do the trick.