I'm proud to announce that I'm really getting close to finishing my tower project. This is my longest and most detailed project ever and I have to say I put a lot of work and love into it. At first I was thinking of duplicating it by making a mold, but because there's no one in my area who has the equipment and experience to do it, it just has to wait.
For all those who aren't familiar with this project I just want to say that this is a fully scratchbuild building, with cast and handlayed plaster blocks (around 800), removable roof and upper piece, wooden floor and door, iron fittings, molded and cast four roof panels and around 60 ridge tiles. I'm working on the roof right now, which can be seen on the pictures, as there's only one ridge tile row present. The roof is already glued together and will be further reinforced tommorow. You can see some progress with the ridge tiles below:

The ridge tiles are a plaster cast from a small mold I made (a mold making feature, which can be found on this forum, was based on this mold). But because I didn't plan it well (as Scott wisely noticed) I had to sand a good ammount of plaster from each tile to go from the piece on the left, to the piece on the right on this picture

Fortunatelly it's quite fast and easy with a dremel-like machine, which I happen to have:)
And here I have a couple of questions for all of you:
1. How should I finish the bottom ridge tile, which can be seen here (under shot)?:

leave it as it is or put something inside that tile, a small piece of wood or something like that? Normally the lower tile has an oval shape or has a medium sized metal plate with holes to cover the end. Both of those solutions would not work in the medieval times, the first one was too hard to make and the second one involves metal, which was rather rare.
2. Should I use some wall spackle to cover the cracks between the ridge tiles and the roof? Or leave it as it is?
3. What tile should I use for the top of the roof? A wierd looking four sided ridge tile or something else? I'm not sure what that tile is even called in english, I tried to look for a solution with google but found nothing.
If you know an answer to any of those three question, please reply, the more heads I get involved in this, the better:)
And just to show of, here's an overall shot of the tower, which came out pretty big (around 30cm):

Hope you like it my friends:)