A M4A4 re-engined with the diesel from a A2. Building it for the Suez Campaign. Its the MP models hull, Academy nose; suspension; engine deck, Dragon turret plus various Italeri & Tamiya bits & pieces. Hope you find it "different''
Your Shermie looks like a nice deal of work was put into it already. Pitty that the poor thing wil have only the short 75 mm canon, no match for our M50s :-) I love the narrow rotor shield though, those have been my favourite variant/part of the WWII Shermans
Thanx for your comments Pedro. I figure I have used parts from very manufacturer of Shermans (Italeri, Tamiya, Academy & Heller), but no PE. . Not a big fan of brass, only use it if comes with kit. Got to start thinking of tracks for the beast!