Here are three pictures I just took of my Tamiya M151A2. An earlier version of me started the kit ten years ago, so I went ahead and decided to finish it OOB in order to get back into the hobby. Because of my lack of an airbrush, I decided to paint it as a Vietnam vehicle in overall Tamiya olive drab (from a can). I finished painting it last night. As you may be able to tell, I need to go back and touch up some areas where my unsteady hand painted outside the line while painting the details.

Painting with a can was quite frustrating, as I couldn't get the paint to go into some of the nooks and crannies of the model even with several coats, and the paint has a satin finish intead of being flat.

I hope that adding a wash and then weathering it will hide these flaws. Once I weather it I will attach the M60 and steering wheel. What do you guys think so far?
I'm also tossing in an image of the last model I (almost) finished ten years ago, a DML Desert Storm M1A1.