I like this a lot, Steve! You've achieved a real nice shade of green for this, with some decent weatherin' effects! Personally, I think you should apply more or a darker soot colour underneath the exhaust stacks, the back end'll look proper, then! A cool build, nonetheless!
"Ask not what you can do for your country, ask what your country is doin' to you!"
"If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear."
"Say 'NO' to censorship, it leads to a dictatorship"
Nice job Steve, do you like to build russian tanks? We'll than i can recomend you the newest one from trumpeter. It's a German Pz.Kpfm KV-I 756(r) Tank You can also take a look at the following link http://armorama.com/forums/81933#680747 If the link does not work than just search after KV-I 756(r) Beutepanzer Cheers Eric
Hoi allemaal, ik ben na lange tijd weer terug op kitmaker-benelux.
Ik ga eens kijken of het me lukt wat mooie modelletjes op de plaat kan vastleggen en uploaden tuurlijk.
Ik zal jullie en julie werk respecteren en tuurlijk hoop ik dat dat wederzijds zal