im having problems with my decals putting them over surfaces with bolts and bumps
how do i get my decals to form over the surface and any ridges or little bumps
Hosted by Darren Baker
Help with decals?


Joined: August 03, 2006
KitMaker: 263 posts
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Posted: Tuesday, August 15, 2006 - 01:16 AM UTC
Posted: Tuesday, August 15, 2006 - 01:22 AM UTC
There are many different Decal solutions you can use - not there myself as yet, but reading post here i believe micro sol and micro set are two of the most used. I'm sure someone with more experience will be along soon, but hope this points you in the right direction.


Joined: March 21, 2003
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Posted: Tuesday, August 15, 2006 - 01:24 AM UTC
I've always had good results with a good decal setting solution like Microsol. I believe testors makes one too. It depends on the amount of relief you're attempting to lay the decal over. Sometimes there is just too much in the way for a decal to lie entirely over it. If it is an allied star or something similar maybe a stencil and paint is your solution.


Joined: August 03, 2006
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Posted: Tuesday, August 15, 2006 - 01:25 AM UTC
wuld testors decal solution work aand how do i use it?


Joined: August 03, 2006
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Posted: Tuesday, August 15, 2006 - 01:26 AM UTC
its a allied star and its just a couple of like rectangular bumps were u mount bags and ammo boxes
Posted: Tuesday, August 15, 2006 - 01:34 AM UTC
I think a stencil and airbrush would be the best solution (no pum intended)


Joined: August 03, 2006
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Posted: Tuesday, August 15, 2006 - 01:35 AM UTC
k ill go cut one out and do use flat white or isignia white?
Posted: Tuesday, August 15, 2006 - 01:39 AM UTC
I'm pretty sure that flat white would do, so long as you're gonna do some weathering after - otherwise an off white would look better. Also i'd practice on some scrap first to make sure sizes/technique are ok.
Let us know how it went - post a picture maybe.
Let us know how it went - post a picture maybe.


Joined: August 03, 2006
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Posted: Tuesday, August 15, 2006 - 01:41 AM UTC
ill post a pic of my finished m10 tank destroyer


Joined: January 30, 2004
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Posted: Tuesday, August 15, 2006 - 01:47 AM UTC
MicroSol or Solveset will generally make the decals snuggle down around bolt heads.
Posted: Tuesday, August 15, 2006 - 04:35 PM UTC
Awhile back, I had a tricky situation getting some old Tamiya decals to lie down (the decals seemed a bit chunky). Micro- Set & Sol were applied as per the directions on the bottle. The one set of Stars & Bars just wouldn’t conform.
MicroSol was reapplied to the decal along with some VERY GENTLE rubbing with a moistened ear-bud. This helped the decal conform.
Star & Bars

A close-up of the problem area.

MicroSol was reapplied to the decal along with some VERY GENTLE rubbing with a moistened ear-bud. This helped the decal conform.
Star & Bars
A close-up of the problem area.


Joined: October 10, 2003
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Posted: Wednesday, August 16, 2006 - 01:39 AM UTC
Well, I am no chemist, but I bought Testors Decal Setting Solution once, and it worked fine. I swear it smelled just like vinegar. So Just for an experiment, I used white vinegar one time and it seemed to work just as well. Im not going to say Testors is robbing us, but I swear, it smells, looks and works the same. Ive used it ever since. One other idea for you is if your having a hard time with decals setting into irregular details, many of us will spray a light coat of clear gloss enamel (also available from Testors), apply the decal with some micro sol or in my case vinegar, then, when the decal is thoroughly dried in a couple of days, spray the entire model with clear "dullcoat" enamel to remove the glossyness. This also protects the decals, prevents them from "silvering" and lifting, and makes them look as though they were painted on.


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Posted: Wednesday, August 16, 2006 - 02:14 AM UTC
Dont buy the Humbrol stuff its useless and you end up with super shiny decals



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Posted: Sunday, October 08, 2006 - 07:45 AM UTC
Micro Sol and vinigar are just mild acids that soften the decal film enough to conform over irregularities on the surface. If you have any photgraphic acid 'stop bath', that can also be used as a decal softener. (But try it out first on a scrap project to check the dilution ratios).

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