does anyone have any suggestions for painting tamiya’s russian JS-3 tank? (it’s an old kit in dark green plastic) what colors would be appropriate for this tank? i normally use tamiya acrylics. should i use olive drab? olive green? should i do a mix? were the road wheels also painted the same color as the hull and turret? that’s how they looked in the pictures i’ve seen but I guess i find the whole paint scheme a little plain for my tastes. some weathering, chipping and washes should give it some life though.
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Russian JSIII Paint Scheme?


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Posted: Tuesday, August 15, 2006 - 01:48 PM UTC


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Posted: Tuesday, August 15, 2006 - 07:31 PM UTC
I think that the general reply will be "any green can be Russian Green". I use Model Master Russian green alot. For Tamiya paint I use dark green maybe lightened with a little buff. And your correct about everything being the same color. Your washes will bring out subtle differences in different places.


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Posted: Wednesday, August 16, 2006 - 07:44 AM UTC
great! i had a feeling the color would be closer to green than olive drab. now i can start painting!
i bought this kit thinking the js-3 saw action during WW2 but apparently this was not the case (there are some speculations though). probably should have gone for the js-2 to go against the king tiger i've almost finished. thanks for helping out!
i bought this kit thinking the js-3 saw action during WW2 but apparently this was not the case (there are some speculations though). probably should have gone for the js-2 to go against the king tiger i've almost finished. thanks for helping out!


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Posted: Wednesday, August 16, 2006 - 01:33 PM UTC
The speculations seem pretty much dead regarding the IS-3 seeing combat in World War Two. It was used in combat in Budapest during the Hungarian uprising in 1956, however. The Russian historians that Cookie Sewell is in touch with suggest FS 34102 as the closest green to the color standards issued during the war for Protective Green (though Steve Zaloga favors FS 34098 based on a Russian military part he owns). Based on a few color photos published in Tankmaster Magazine, I'd be inclined to favor the first (though it's always risky to base a color match on a photo). Take your pick.
There was a lot of color variation during the frantic days of the war, but presumably standards were tightened again during peacetime, particularly for a prestige vehicle like the IS-3 (which served much the same purpose in Moscow military parades that the T-35 had before the war). Both of the greens are available in most color lines as US Air Force cammo colors.
There was a lot of color variation during the frantic days of the war, but presumably standards were tightened again during peacetime, particularly for a prestige vehicle like the IS-3 (which served much the same purpose in Moscow military parades that the T-35 had before the war). Both of the greens are available in most color lines as US Air Force cammo colors.


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Posted: Thursday, August 17, 2006 - 12:02 PM UTC
Quoted Text
The speculations seem pretty much dead regarding the IS-3 seeing combat in World War Two. It was used in combat in Budapest during the Hungarian uprising in 1956, however. The Russian historians that Cookie Sewell is in touch with suggest FS 34102 as the closest green to the color standards issued during the war for Protective Green (though Steve Zaloga favors FS 34098 based on a Russian military part he owns). Based on a few color photos published in Tankmaster Magazine, I'd be inclined to favor the first (though it's always risky to base a color match on a photo). Take your pick.
There was a lot of color variation during the frantic days of the war, but presumably standards were tightened again during peacetime, particularly for a prestige vehicle like the IS-3 (which served much the same purpose in Moscow military parades that the T-35 had before the war). Both of the greens are available in most color lines as US Air Force cammo colors.
thanks for sharing that info gerald. unfotunately, my paint options here in manila are rather limited (no model master, polyscale or testor products as far as I know). do you think i could achieve a reasonable match with the colors you suggested by mixing tamiya or gunze sangyo paints?


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Posted: Thursday, August 17, 2006 - 01:48 PM UTC
Quoted Text
[thanks for sharing that info gerald. unfotunately, my paint options here in manila are rather limited (no model master, polyscale or testor products as far as I know). do you think i could achieve a reasonable match with the colors you suggested by mixing tamiya or gunze sangyo paints?
Well, Tamiya NATO Green will get you into the ballpark. Heavy tank regiments were small, and vehicles often had two rather than three digit numbers. If it's a parade vehicle from the postwar years, it may have a glossy rather than flat finish, which will "read" a bit darker (you might even want to darken the base color itself before giving it a semigloss overspray). These sometimes had white trim on mudguards and wheel rims and other colorful additions. Check a reference photo and decide how you want to go.
Tamiya's kit depicts the very first production run from 1945. Beginning in 1946, the IS-3 had stowage boxes built into the side panniers with three doors on each side. These door parts are available in the Aber photoetch set if you want to update it. Trumpeter's IS-3M is a 1962 vintage rebuild with all the late updates.


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Posted: Monday, August 21, 2006 - 07:51 AM UTC
thanks again gerald for the great advice!
yes i was considering nato green with probably a few drops of black. i'm not really into parade vehicles so i was actually thinking of an early production iosef stalin which may have been deployed after germany's capitulation. i'm still trying to dig up more info. i've got the tank primed with tamiya's olive drab though. i was lazy and i had a spray can left over so that's what i used...
i probably won't go the "updating" route as i really don't have much confidence in undertaking conversions just yet. plus my wallet's empty from the initial investment in the airbrush and compressor, sable brushes, oils paints, and other tools, hehe!
yes i was considering nato green with probably a few drops of black. i'm not really into parade vehicles so i was actually thinking of an early production iosef stalin which may have been deployed after germany's capitulation. i'm still trying to dig up more info. i've got the tank primed with tamiya's olive drab though. i was lazy and i had a spray can left over so that's what i used...
i probably won't go the "updating" route as i really don't have much confidence in undertaking conversions just yet. plus my wallet's empty from the initial investment in the airbrush and compressor, sable brushes, oils paints, and other tools, hehe!
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