Hi folks,
Here's an interesting email I received from Brian Baxter at the REME Museum, I thought you might like to read:
Thank you for your enquiry. As far as I am aware no British Army units in the North West Europe campaign were issued with the M32. A small number of these ARVs served with British units in Italy and after the War with some units stationed in Libya (before we were asked to leave following the revolution which installed Colonel Gaddafi). Others, postwar, are recorded in Palestine and in the Canal Zone of Egypt with British units or under repair in workshops. .
During the war most ARVs were on the written establishment table of armoured regiments, not those of the attached REME Light Aid Detachments. Despite this many of them were crewed jointly by regimental tradesmen and REME. Up to about August 1944 the only REME units officially entitled to ARVs were the Armoured Brigade Workshops. It soon became clear after D Day that in the jumble of battles Infantry Brigade Workshops were also likely to be asked to recover tanks as might other recovery units which up to then had only been issued with wheeled recovery vehicles or unarmoured Caterpillar D8 tractors. This started a scramble in France to convert captured armour into improvised ARVs until the powers that be authorised ARV issues to Infantry Brigade Workshops too. In these circumstances it is remotely possible that a unit somewhere scrounged an American M32 or recovered and repaired one the Americans had given up on but I have never heard of such a case.
In general the Americans were keen to repair any repairable specialist vehicles they could as there were never enough replacements on demand like there were basic tanks and trucks.
It might be worth checking with the Tank Museum at Bovington but I think if they knew of any such circumstance I would have heard about it from David Fletcher.
I hope this answers your question. All the best, Brian Baxter, Technical Historian.
End Quote
Looks like the only realistic setting for a British/Commonwealth M32 would be in Italy. I have pictures of Polish ones in Italy so that will most probably be the setting, although I stil need to check with Bovington Tank Museum.
Thanks to Brian for his reply and cheers to all.