Gday A.jnr
Never sit on a post waiting for a reply! Get about the rest of
the site and see what's out there, and help others if you can, and before you know it you go back and check and voila! Replys!
The handles you have attached look really accurate... Great job!
You can stand the oilcan (on the front right fender) up and run some fine thread around the can and through the headlight guard... One way to approach how things were attached is to say to yourself " Now, what is there that I can attach this rope to? It can't interfere with the operation of the tank in any way... Also, it has to be secure enough that when at top speed over rough ground it won't be shaken loose..."
Does this help? Think like you are a crewman of the tank...
This tank carries the same markings as their 1/35 'frontline breakthrough' M4A3. This one served in the Ardennes during the Battle of the Bulge. It took a hit on the topedge of the left side (above the rear of the bucking bronco) and also the right side which removed the 'Ca' leaving just 'ballero' on the vehicle name, and had to be repaired...
For future reference there were two parallel horizontal bars (like capital E's) on each side of the turret, over both stars...(one above the other)
Overall though, if you keep going at this rate you'll be world class in a few years!