Dojo, bought my Hansa Aero-pro 200 on Ebay. As it hadn’t been used in a few years, I cleaned it first, on start-up it was spitting and spluttering. Found this excellent “Airbrush Cleaning Pictorial” at
IPMS Stockholm. All it needed was a thorough cleaning.
From the above experience, I built up a small list of probable causes, for Airbrush spitting:
Airbrush Dirty
Incorrect air supply (air pressure too low or moisture in air line)
Problematic needle (Dirty or Damaged)
Problematic Tip/nozzle (Dirty or Damaged)
If you have cleaned both airbrushes thoroughly, then look at a common denominator, namely:
Air supply.
But as you have mentioned spraying water and/or water-based (acrylic) paints, I’d check using a quite strong magnifying glass for pitting on the needle and/or tip/nozzle.
Hope this helps.