For moving them up or not, I think leaving them where they are is fine. Most of my images show yours to be in the right spot. Here is about the best that I have:
I haven't contracted yet, I plan to in October provided I can get my butt to pass a PT test (Friday 0600 oh yeah...

) and pass a DODMERB and a bunch of other medical related paperwork.
As for the ACUs, they aren't providing us with them yet. Cadet Command is trying to get them to the seniors (MS IVs) before they commission and then they are going to work their way down to the MSIIIs (me) and the others. Because I'm not contracted, I don't get a uniform unless its for an FTX or something like that.
For the Guard, I'm not sure what I want to do. My NG NCO was saying something about me being SMP (Guard and ROTC at the same time) as well as being on an ROTC scholarship, two things that usually don't go together. I wouldn't get GI Bill (though I really don't care, especially if I'm already on scholarship) and I don't go to Basic and AIT, since I go to LDAC this summer. At the bare minimun I'm going for straight shot ROTC. Everything else is extra, good extra, but extra nonetheless