What can I say about this kit? SIMPLY WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It has been going together well. The detail is number one and like everyone else said, this will be the number one M1A1 Abrams kit on the market.
Besides the handles I mention below, I won't change much to this one. I am thinking about adding at least the battery box, but I might wait and add to one of the other ones I have on order.
Rather than go into what I found wrong or didn't like, I'll just open it up to any questions you all have.

I cheated a little bit here and scavanged the photo etch handles form the Voyager M1A2 photo etch set.

Here is the photo etch extended bustle rack. A Hold Fold or something of that matter would come in handy here. Unfortunately I don't have one and it was a pain to fold this thing.

Rob went with the metal barrel and I opted for the plastic one. Here you can see that the detail in my opinion is a lot better than the metall one.