I'm trying to paint lines and shapes for camo that are splatter free and have not had much luck. I have a Paasche single action and I'm using both Model Masters Enamels and Tamiya with their brand thinners at about 50/50 or 2/3 thinner and 1/3 paint. I clean my airbrush religiously so I don't think its that. And yet, very much to my frustration, I still get these splattering around the edges of shapes and lines.
Can it be the aircompressor? I don't have a regulator on it but its going at about 10psi. I'm wondering just how vital the regulator is?
I've tried holding the brush various ranges to no avail. So basically, I could use any help. Thanks in advance. Also, I've read through the FAQ in this forum and while its been helpful can anyone recommend a detailed website on airbrushing help?