This does indicate that there is a problem in the nozzle of the airbrush as this is one of my methods called backflushing in the cleaning of my brush.
To do this you fill the cup with some cleaner, you block block the front with a tissue or cloth and gentle press down on the trigger to get some airflow, this air then backflushes the airbrush cleaning the paint passages. so if you do the following it may well cure your problem or as your brush is new it might indicate a fault in manufacture.
Examine the nozzle cap and paint nozzle. First, clean any paint that has solidified inside the nozzle cap.Next,remove paint nozzle and be sure that there is no evidence of dry paint. Wash out if solidified paint is found, very gently using a rolled up corner of some absorbant kitchen roll diped in solvent. Often bad seating of the nozzle or nozzle cap is the cause of problems this, check tat each step that everything is properly seated, replace the nozzle carefully and gently, checking that any seals that are indicated in the parts guide are in place and servicable. Replace in this order : paint nozzle, nozzle cap, needle. using some water, try spraying. If you cannot cure the issue consult with a the supplier/manufacturer and either get it replaced or repaired
It is important to work gently and carefully at all times when doing this as it is east to damage the needle tip or paint nozzle.
Hopefully these steps and explanation are understandable as I am short on time this morning.