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grrrreat!!! I really mean it. I love the way the model looks. The weathering is perfect as it looks now. Its important not to go overboard especially on OIF vechiles in the desert. Its models like yours that make me look at my work and wonder what Im doing wrong!
Well, you might not like it when I am done weathering it. In these photos I have not really begun, except for the wheels.

I agree that most vehicles do not look too war weary at first glance. I don't plan on going overboard, but I do plan on doing spilt fuel down the sides. While maybe 1 in a 100 might have the spilt fuel, I think with a monotone scheme like this one it adds some interest. Mine just happens to be that 1 in a 100. And there will be rain streaks, but these should be subtle, pretty much like my Abrams in my Profile. A few chip marks to be added to the ladder and tow pintle. All mostly minor and subtle, except for the spilt fuel.
I still have to add the stowage, and that will mostly be green, and I will get to add the dust in the creases like I have in the wheels.
Thanks everybody for the compliments. It is not perfect. Some fit problems that I was able to handle for the most part. I think the pump module may be JUST A LITTLE off in distance from the tank. And one side of the large stencil did not come out perfectly straight using my dry transfers. I ran out of lettering so I could not try again. I have ordered more but who knows when they will come. Getting the front part with on with the grille was a huge pain. I see of the few other builds on the net that this was a problem for others too (headlights partially covered), but I managed to force it and still keep the headlights from being covered on mine. "If it don't fit force it, if it breaks it needed fixin' anyway!
I am traveling this week, but I will try to post some photos when I am done. I hope this fuel thing turns out. I like what MIG has shown on many of his builds, including a couple of pics shown on ML.
Rob: The overtuned HEMTT probably is not a good idea for most. The chassis is quite simplified and therefore innacurate. Many would not want to put all that work into it. And the hoses and wires would have to all go somewhere, and correctly too. Mine are there, but disappear into the abyss in many instances since one can not see this when it is right side up.