Well my internet has been out for the last few months so I had no clue of what was going on. Now I'm back on and ready to hit the ground running. I apologize for any trouble this may have caused you all.
I also added a post the the other thread in the campaign forum.
I'll be totally honest with you all. I have no clue what I'm doing as far as running this thing goes. Please be patient with me and I'll get everything set up. If you have any suggestions or advice please post or PM me on ways to make this work better for you all.
A few housekeeping items though:
I've got a PM into Jim Lewis to help me set up a space in the campaigns forum for us to post. This will be the best way for all of us to keep in touch so check it regularly.
Sorry again for not getting a gallery set up! Thank you to JIm for getting that in place.
Is the gallery working okay for everyone?
As far as running this I'm open to suggestions and what you all want. If there is a question that pertains to everyone I'll run it by you guys and try to establish a general concensus. However, Since I'm the guy responsible for all of this I'll have the final word.
Remember to complete the campaign successfully you MUST include a short description of who's vehicle you're modelling and the setting ( ie: Tank # 123 belonged to Major Billy Bob with 1 million kills and this is how it appeared during the battle for New York CIty during WWII)
I will allow anything that is FULLY TRACKED (ie: our namesake TANK aces) to include tankettes and tank destroyers as long as you can back up the fact that commander was considered an "Ace" and this vehicle belonged to him at some point.
I will allow more than one entry per person. You can model the same ace but with a different vehicle. (ie: Michael Wittman's Stug and Tiger I) I will see what I can do for successive awards. Possibly having a star or something added to your ribbon if you go that route. I'll have to check with the higher ups.
Different modellers are free to model the same ace during the same period, setting, vehicle.
I know this was long but thanks everyone and remember our first priority with this is TO HAVE FUN!

Any other questions just drop me a line. Thanks, Hellbent!