Hello Sean!
Nice Leopard. Looks very nice.
I served on the Strv 122 as a gunner and have alot of pictures of my tank and the rest of the company. Since I have been into modelling since I was 5 I took alot of pictures a modeller would appreciate of my tank. I can tell you that the way the mud has built up on the chassis of your leopard isnt realistic. Atleast not in I way I have ever seen in my days on tanks.
The side armor does a pretty good job protecting the side of the hull from such buildup, Instead we get to enjoy all that mud in the suspension and lower hull. Lots of fun cleaning with pressure hoses...

So unless your tank recently got pulled out of a ditch, that just to much. Now I know you have since redone it, so I might just be talking smack!
I can send you a few pictures of some very muddy tanks, 122s that have been in the field for 2-3 weeks on large exercises, Also a pic or two when we got our tank stuck in a fire pond, that was pretty muddy...
but be warned, my and my fellow tankers ugly dirty mugs might be in them!