Quoted Text
Sure but Purple heart rules are the following:
Kits must have obvious battle damage. ie: dents, bent fenders, broken tracks.
- Chipped paint and mild scratches won't be enough.
- All types of land based kits are eligible for this campaign. ie: tanks, wheeled vehicles, amphibious
just to tell you
thank you seb, i appreciate it.
but here is something i want u to do.
take a closer look at the tank. observe.
yes i do have paint chipped off and also major scratches caused by the tank crew gettin on and off by stepping ard the back of the tank with their metal stud boots and also the long period in the battlefield brushing against lots of things which could scratch the side of the tank's surface..
yes i have bent fenders, look closer. its not a perfect straight.
yes i do have missing pieces of the side plating which originally there's suppose to be 3 on each side. right side i put the front 2 and on the left i put the last piece. this is to depict the side platings were ripped off during battle.
read this also:
Operational Overview
Damage...Damage...Damage...is what typically results when vehicles engage in combat or simply perform simple task in hostile environments. The point of this campaign is to showcase your destructive skills and making everyone believe that your kits has gone through hell and back so as to tell a story.
From the smallest dent to pierced armor, this campaign hopes to recruit all modellers willing to create some battle damage on their kits. The scenario could either be based on a true account or completely fictional.