I am writing to ask what I suspect is a not-so-bright question about the M1A Abrams, however, I am currently building the new DML kit (which is fantastic from my vantage point) and have a question I can’t seem to locate an answer for.
On the front of many of the Abrams (I’ve seen photos of) there is what appears to be a panel) which often illustrates either a chevron marking or in many instances a green-cornered marking of some type. Can someone explain (a) what are these green corner marked panels, are they pieces of painted plywood, some type of electronic device, antennae, ECM panel or is the marking painted onto the turret? (b) is there a set of definitions for the chevrons, illustrating position, orientation, the inside dots, dashes, etc? What do these markings mean?
The DML kit provides several such marker panel (in black, green, and tan, though without the green corners) which appear to be a adhesive backed heavy paper.
I am planning to use the Echelon T35004 decal sheet markings, but find neither of the Echelon sheets provide for these turret facet markings – though they are shown in the decal instruction drawings. Should I paint these markings onto the tank to complete the markings?
I would appreciate any assistance anyone can offer. If you'd prefer, you can just emal me directly at:
[email protected]