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colouring E-Z water???
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Joined: April 16, 2002
KitMaker: 62 posts
Armorama: 31 posts
Posted: Wednesday, January 29, 2003 - 05:51 AM UTC
Hello people...

I'm using E to Z water from woodland, and now my question is, is it possible to colour the water, before pouring it on the base? I'd like to colour my water olive-green... so is this possible? do i have to add paint, while warming up the water???
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Antwerpen, Belgium
Joined: June 09, 2002
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Posted: Wednesday, January 29, 2003 - 06:18 AM UTC

I got this of the WoodlandScenic site, hope this helps

Quoted Text

What is the best way to add color to my E-Z Water?

Coloring E-Z Water is a simple process. There are two ways to accomplish this task. One is to paint and color the area beneath the E-Z Water. The other is to color the E-Z Water itself. These techniques can also be combined. Flex Paste is used to seal the area of the layout beneath easy water. To color the Flex Paste sealant beneath the E-Z Water paint a thick layer of Woodland Scenics Stone Gray Liquid Pigment over the Flex Paste. Spray area with Scenic Cement. Then add an even coating of Fine Turfs in the following mixture: Two parts Earth, Two parts Burnt Grass, one part Soil. When you add the E-Z Water this formula will give the water a greenish brown coloration.

To color the E-Z Water itself use a Rit Dye. Note: Do not add liquids to E-Z Water. They will cause the mixture to boil over. We recommend Navy Blue, Dark Green or Pearl Gray Rit Dyes. Add 1/16th tsp. of dye to one bag of E-Z Water Pellets before melting. Mix dye with pellets as they are melting with a wooden stirring stick. When mixture has melt, place a few drops on a strip of aluminum foil to check the color. If it is too light add more dye. If it is too dark add more E-Z Water. When satisfied follow E-Z Water instructions for applying to designated area.

For more information on adding color to E-Z Water consult the Woodland Scenics’ Scenery Manual.

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Indiana, United States
Joined: January 04, 2003
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Posted: Wednesday, February 05, 2003 - 10:10 AM UTC
May I ask.... Why OD water?

Just curious #:-)
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Virginia, United States
Joined: December 13, 2002
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Posted: Wednesday, February 05, 2003 - 10:50 AM UTC
Yep that'll be the way to do it, fabric dyes are available at walmart, and any left over you can use to make fun t-shirts for the kids, invole them and make a big mess have fun stug