Some of you have probably seen my initial post. I have given it some paint and put on decals. The weathering process has not really started yet. I used the original Tamiya decals for 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment, Iraq 2003 and therefor I guess my Abrams is anything but correct since the vehicle configuration is more like a 2004/2005 model. I have added a USMC style BRE, extra armor for the exhaust grills from Eduard (which I guess is a bit wrong) and some small scratch built details. Basically I looked through a bunch of Abrams pics and added whatever I thought looked good. I usually put on the stowage with blue tac to get an impression of how the tank will look when finished, so I decided to take some in progress pics. There is still a lot of work to be done, but so far it is a fun build. Comments and questions are welcome as allways .