Just getting this one in by a hair. I finished this up tonight. This is Tamiyas 1/35th Tiger I early. I detailed this model using Abers photo etch detail set, an aluminum barrel, Friulmodel tracks and Voyagers side skirts. I replaced various parts with Dragon parts from the spares box , including the brass SG launchers and tow cables. I also replaced the engine crank from brass tube and rod and also the barrel cleaning rods made from brass tube. I built this model to represent tank #231 o2. sPzAbt 505 during Operation Citadel July 1943. References for this project were Tigers in Combat 1, JJF Publishing Operation Citadel Vol 1, Actung Panzer #6, Tanks in Detail #5,New Vanguard Tiger I, Ryton Tiger I, Trojcas Tiger at War, and Panzer Tracts #6.
More photos can be found here.