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thanx a lot for the tip,
but i still miss one thing what are the proportions a wash should have i can't find it anywhere?
the ratio is about 1 part paint to 9 parts thinner. To test your wash, take a scrap model or spare model part with engraved panel lines. Dab a small drop of thinned paint mixture in the panel lilne or at a juntion of two panel line. The wash should be drawn up along the panel line while retaining it's color. If it doesn't get drawn along (capillary action) add more thinner. If it flows in the panel lein but is too light, add more paint.
If you've let the base coat dry completely, several days for enamel, and you don't use a scrubbing motion, sealing the base is not all that critical.
For the wash you are planning, take a wide flat brush, laod it with the wash mixture and draw it along the surfcae lightly and quickly. One pass. Don't be tempted to add extra right away. That's how poeple lift their base colors.
If you have gray or white rubble, use some Payne's gray. For red/brown rubble or bricks, use burnt umber.