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…all in all what is your impression of this build, and if your were to do it again what would you change or add differently.
A job well done,
Thanks everybody for your thoughts. I wish I could have done it a little faster as it took a year. My wife just may convince me to sell off my stash if I keep going this slow; two models in two years. And I want to do a dio for the IPMS nationals next year!
Joe, I ran into some fit problems with the AM stuff, like the cab interior, but I believe that it was my fault. I also ran into some minor fit problems with the pump module after I added an aftermarket item. If I were to do this again I would go even further and add the Pro-Art pump kit and do a dio with a vehicle being refueled, probably using the new Abrams kit since the fuel caps are modeled in that new kit. I like the look of the HEMTTs as they have that sort of futuristic appearance due to the severely angled cab front. Plus, those big wheels are cool looking too, and easier to work with than link to link tracks!