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I really like the finish you achieved on your tracks. What process did you use?
For all-steel tracks like these I do the following (all paints are MM enamels).
1) Basecoat in Flat Black by AB
2) Brush paint (in this case) or AB Non-buffing Metalizer Gunmetal (brush painted due to link-and-length arrangement, just easier in this case).
3) Drybrush Steel over all surfaces to lighten the Gunmetal
4) Apply a 90/10 (thinner/paint) wash of Rust over all surfaces
5) Drybrush Steel again on high points
6) Apply Mig weathering powders mixed in regular water (used a 50-50 mix of Russian Earth and African Earth in this case) with a large brush liberally over the tracks and let dry.
7) Use a stiff bristled brush to remove excess and push into corners where desired
8) Follow up with a moistened Q-tip to expose larger areas
I've found that the Mig powders work better when applied wet for this type of weathering vs. dry for the simple fact that their fine pigment granulation allows them to fix without being truly permanent to the applied surface. They dry to a lighter shade when applied this way so some care has to be taken as well as keeping the two colors well mixed for consistency but the neat part is that if you don't like it you just spray it with some water or use the Q-tip to clean up spot areas and voila! back to the beginning to try again.