Hi Jim,
Thanks for the comments and suggestions. Yeah one of the tricky things with the markings is the composite hull if you want historically accurate markings. They're not the most common varient used by the Brits and Poles but it makes for a really nice looking Sherman.
One of the good thing about this scale and the Milicast Shermans in general is the choice of varients available. I think they have over 20 or so to chose from ............ My troop has a Mk1 with three piece transmission cover & M34A1 mantlet, a Mk1 with extra armour and a cast transmission, a MkIII late production and an early MkV with direct vision slots.
John - on the colours it aint that easy to describe. Quickly, its all brushed I undercoat with enamels and use GW acrylics for all the top coats and shading.
As mentioned I base coat with Humbrols for durability and coverage. I vary the green for variety as this has a subtle effect on the finished green. I then pin wash the shadow in with a very thinned mix of acrylics - thinners, black and brown. Then I drybrush one the main green, a mix of GW acrylics. Finish with pin shading, waer and chipping then ground colour weathering. I've attached a link to a site with a couple of wip projects and some more detail. If theres interest I could put something a bit more polished .........
http://xsorbit26.com/users5/elhiem/index.php?topic=5485.0 http://xsorbit26.com/users5/elhiem/index.php?topic=5744.0 http://xsorbit26.com/users5/elhiem/index.php?topic=5744.0