First stage was replacing the attachment points on the rear turret and re-positioning them. Checking photos they are incorrectly positioned in the kit instructions - they seemed to have varied quite a bit in form - some are rectangular, others i've seen are rounded:

Also added was the 4-digit casting numbers which DML didn't include. For this I used the 1.5mm numbers and letters from Slater's Plasticard. No, they are not badly poaitioned - all images I have show the casting numbers all over the place....
Another of my contentions was that the surface of the turret (cast) was far too smooth to be convincing. I've started building up a roughre texture using Squadron Green Stuff mixed with Tamiya Putty and thinned with Acetone:

Tomorrow, I start on the running gear and hopefully finish the turret. The original kit review, can be seen: HERE...